Charanjeet Singh Batra

Associate Researcher, Faculty of Education, OntarioTechU


Charanjeet Singh is a student in the Master of Arts in Education and Digital Technology online program at OntarioTechU. He is an educational researcher situated at a community college. His research interests are inquiry-based collaborative learning, digital technologies for societal benefits, and how mutual native language(s) learning enhances self-efficacy, engagement, and the empowerment of every learner. He has theorized free speech from an educational perspective. His current work focuses on: How can free speech, using FOLC model environments and tooled/equipped with inquiry-based learning strategies, create an impetus for repositioning learning environments as free spaces for nurturing the practice of freedom? How can a culture of free inquiry be piloted, measured and established in ON higher education learning environments using FOLC? and What factors are involved in the understanding, creating, and measuring a culture of free speech/inquiry in higher education learning environments using FOLC? Using FOLC, his vision is to start a discourse regarding educational forces that affect various stakeholders in establishing common fearless free community spaces where learning might occur.

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