Violet Bell Hogan
Associate Researcher, OntarioTechU
Email: violet.bell@ontariotechu.net
Violet Bell Hogan is an educator who aims to create the learning experiences of tomorrow through a supportive and inclusive, technology-rich environment. She is a lifelong learner with 14 years of experience in education. Violet is a graduate of the BA in Adult Education and Digital Technologies (Honours) program from OTU and currently a Master of Arts in Education student aspiring to facilitate adult learning within higher education or the corporate world. Being immersed in synchronous and asynchronous online learning has ignited a passion for exploration and research into the affordances that support the development of relationships within virtual communities of inquiry. Presently, Violet is a Designated Early Childhood Educator partnering with a classroom teacher to provide a vibrant and ever-changing learning environment in the full-day kindergarten program.