Todd J.B. Blayone
Associate Researcher · Co-Founder, Collaboritsi.com
Curriculum Vitae (External PDF)
Email: todd.blayone@collaboritsi.com
Phone: (380) 93.748.2001
Discourses related to (a) innovation in higher education, (b) the future of jobs, and (c) learning for democracy and social justice, converge on a path toward new educational approaches focused on deep learning, human-machine cognitive partnering, and the development of traversable key competences (e.g., digital competences, socio-emotional intelligence, cross-cultural intelligence, complex problem-solving, etc.). Grouping these approaches under the banner of Transformative Digital Learning (TDL), Todd’s international, socio-cultural research addresses participant readiness for constituent digitally-mediated, authentic, collaborative, cross-cultural, and self-directed learning activity. Two readiness factors of current interest are digital competences and personal-cultural orientations. Living in Kyiv and Toronto, he is co-founder of Collaboritsi.com, a collaborative-thinking and digital-readiness consultancy operating in Canada and Eastern Europe. Todd is a former digital business-development professional–with a decade of senior leadership experience–and a digital-research technologist.