Elizabeth Childs
Professor, Royal Roads University, Canada | Associate Researcher
Email: elizabeth.childs@royalroads.ca
Dr. Elizabeth Childs is Professor, Education and Technology at Royal Roads University, Canada.
Elizabeth Childs is interested in the design, creation and implementation of flexible learning environments that incorporate the affordances of information and communication technology (ICT) and provide learners with increased choice, flexibility and opportunities for co-creation. With expertise in educational technology, instructional design, adult education and online learning, her research interests include open educational practices and pedagogies; creation of online communities and digital habitats; the use of social media in contemporary learning environments; design thinking, and models for immersive professional development.
Dr. Childs consults nationally and internationally in the areas of online and blended learning, online communities, professional learning, instructional design, and capacity development for technology enabled learning environments. She has worked with client groups across K-12, post secondary, government and industry to develop and implement blended learning environments and online learning communities in their organizations. The majority of projects that she has been involved in were done at a distance and online project teams are the predominant way in which Elizabeth collaborates with others to complete projects.
Dr. Childs holds a PhD in Educational Technology from the University of Calgary. Her dissertation topic was The Impact of Online Professional Development on Teaching Practice: A Case Study. She holds a master of education in Educational Technology from the University of Calgary. Her master’s topic was A Learning Centre: On the Path to a Learning Organization: A Conceptual Framework for Development. She also holds a Bachelor of Education (junior-intermediate science education and art) and a Bachelor of Science from Queen’s University.