François Desjardins

Retired Professor, Faculty of Education, OntarioTechU · Past Director, EILAB


Dr. François Desjardins was the Director of the Programme de Formation à l’Enseignement (french teacher education program) at the Faculty of Education of the University of Ottawa, and later, Associate Dean at the Faculty of EducationUniversity of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT). Apart from almost two decades of experience teaching in a variety of computer-mediated-communication modes of distance education in Canada, he was also a guest professor in an international online distance Master’s program (MARDIF) based in France, and a guest speaker at institutions across North America and Europe. With funding from SSHRC, CFI, ORF and other agencies, his research since the mid 90’s, has led him to develop an epistemological framework of General Technology Competency and Use (GTCU) and apply it to map learners’ and teachers’ technology competency profiles as they function in the digital world.

vanOostveen, R., Childs, E., Barber, W., DiGiuseppe, M., Percival, J., & Desjardins, C. (2019). Introducing the global educational learning observatory (GELO) and the global readiness explorer (GREx): A framework and dashboard to investigate tech competence and culture. 2019 18th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET), 1–6.
vanOostveen, R., Desjardins, F., & Bullock, S. (2019). Professional development learning environments (PDLEs) embedded in a collaborative online learning environment (COLE): Moving towards a new conception of online professional learning. Education and Information Technologies, 24.
Desjardins, F., & vanOostveen, R. (2015). Faculty and student use of digital technology in a “laptop” university. 990–996.
Davidson, A.-L., Suárez, W., Naffi, N., Arabuli, N., Desjardins, F., & vanOostveen, R. (2015, June 22). A case study about the Implementation of problem-based learning and mobile technologies in Ecuador. EdMedia. World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2015, Montreal, QC Canada.
Davidson, A.-L., Desjardins, F., vanOostveen, R., Suárez, W., & Naffi, N. (2014). Une collaboration Québec-Ontario-Équateur pour mener une recherche sur la création d’objects numériques dans une approache par probléme pour la formation des enseignants. Community for Innovation and Research on Technologies teaching/A-learning (CIRTA), Sherbrooke, Canada.
Davidson, A.-L., Naffi, N., Hannum, C., Desjardins, F., vanOostveen, R., & Suárez, W. (2014). Une recherche-action permettant d’implanter les technologies mobiles dans une approche d’APP avec des professeurs de langue étrangère dans un pays en développement. French-Canadian Association for the Advancement of Science (ACFAS), Montréal, Québec.
vanOostveen, R., & Desjardins, F. (2013, July 23). Developing and implementing a new online Bachelor Program: formal adoption of videoconferencing and social networking as a step towards m-learning. IADIS e-Learning 2013 Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
Desjardins, F., vanOostveen, R., DiGiuseppe, M., Bullock, S., & Robertson, L. (2010). Transforming learning: Digital technologies and educational change. Ed-Media Conference on Education Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Desjardins, F., & vanOostveen, R. (2008, June 30). Collaborative online learning environment: Towards a process driven approach and collective knowledge building. The Ed-Media Conference on Education Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Vienna, Austria.
Desjardins, F. (2005). The perceptions of teachers about their competence profiles on the computer: towards a theory of ICT in education. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 31(1).
Desjardins, F., LaCasse, R., & Belair, L. (2001, June 27). Toward a Definition of Four Orders of Competency for the Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Education. Proceedings of the IASTED International Computers and Advanced Technology in Education Conference. Computers and Advanced Technology in Education Conference, Banff, Canada.
Desjardins, F.: Les représentations des enseignants quant à leurs profils de compétences relatives à l’ordinateur: vers une théorie des TIC en éducation. Can. J. Learn. Technol./La revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie, 31(1) (2005). (n.d.).
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