Bill Hunter

Founding Dean, and Professor, Faculty of Education, OntarioTechU, Canada


Dr. Bill Hunter is Founding Dean of Faculty of Education. His current research focuses on international online policy in education. Previous work was in educational technology, social science research methods, and educational assessment.

Kay, R., & Hunter, B. (2022). Thriving Online: A guide for Busy Educators (first, Vol. 1). Pressbooks.
vanOostveen, R., Hunter, B., Childs, E., Barber, W., & Gerbrandt, J. (2021). Collaborative learning in co-created digital space: The Fully Online Learning Community Model. In Dhir, H. K. (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Barriers for Teaching 21st-Century Competencies and the Impact of Digitalization (pp. 197–214). IGI Global.
DiPasquale, J. P., Hunter, B., vanOostveen, R., Goodman, W., Barber, W., & DiGiuseppe, M. (2019). Assessing general technology competency and use: Correlates of confidence and experience with a range of communications devices. Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2019, 800–805.
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