The Journal of Educational Informatics is an online journal of the Faculty of Education at Ontario Tech University (formerly UOIT). The JEI is a free, open-access journal and does not charge article processing charges (APC). JEI is supported by the Faculty of Education at Ontario Tech University and EILab.

The JEI presents the original work of graduate students in education and considers articles submitted by researchers in the fields of education, digital technologies, and educational informatics. Articles include qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods research; critical reviews of the literature; policy perspectives; and position papers on digital learning and educational informatics.  JEI addresses educators, graduate students, researchers, curriculum developers, policymakers, and school system administrators.  Submissions are subject to a blind peer review process for academic journals.  JEI reviewers include reputable scholars from around the world and OntarioTech Education-based graduate students.

Submission Schedule:
Sept 25, 2023: Abstract Due (250 words)
Oct 16, 2023: Extended Abstract Due (500 words)
Feb 5, 2024: Full paper (up to 7,000 words)

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